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wp-includes/cache.php › WordPress File
› Object Cache API
Function | Short description |
wp_cache_add | Adds data to the cache, if the cache key doesn't already exist. |
wp_cache_add_global_groups | Adds a group or set of groups to the list of global groups. |
wp_cache_add_multiple | Adds multiple values to the cache in one call. |
wp_cache_add_non_persistent_groups | Adds a group or set of groups to the list of non-persistent groups. |
wp_cache_close | Closes the cache. |
wp_cache_decr | Decrements numeric cache item's value. |
wp_cache_delete | Removes the cache contents matching key and group. |
wp_cache_delete_multiple | Deletes multiple values from the cache in one call. |
wp_cache_flush | Removes all cache items. |
wp_cache_flush_group | Removes all cache items in a group, if the object cache implementation supports it. |
wp_cache_flush_runtime | Removes all cache items from the in-memory runtime cache. |
wp_cache_get | Retrieves the cache contents from the cache by key and group. |
wp_cache_get_multiple | Retrieves multiple values from the cache in one call. |
wp_cache_incr | Increments numeric cache item's value. |
wp_cache_init | Sets up Object Cache Global and assigns it. |
wp_cache_replace | Replaces the contents of the cache with new data. |
wp_cache_reset | Resets internal cache keys and structures. |
wp_cache_set | Saves the data to the cache. |
wp_cache_set_multiple | Sets multiple values to the cache in one call. |
wp_cache_supports | Determines whether the object cache implementation supports a particular feature. |
wp_cache_switch_to_blog | Switches the internal blog ID. |