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wp-includes/template.php › WordPress File

Template loading functions.

Function Short description
get_404_templateRetrieves path of 404 template in current or parent template.
get_archive_templateRetrieves path of archive template in current or parent template.
get_attachment_templateRetrieves path of attachment template in current or parent template.
get_author_templateRetrieves path of author template in current or parent template.
get_category_templateRetrieves path of category template in current or parent template.
get_date_templateRetrieves path of date template in current or parent template.
get_embed_templateRetrieves an embed template path in the current or parent template.
get_front_page_templateRetrieves path of front page template in current or parent template.
get_home_templateRetrieves path of home template in current or parent template.
get_index_templateRetrieves path of index template in current or parent template.
get_page_templateRetrieves path of page template in current or parent template.
get_post_type_archive_templateRetrieves path of post type archive template in current or parent template.
get_privacy_policy_templateRetrieves path of Privacy Policy page template in current or parent template.
get_query_templateRetrieves path to a template.
get_search_templateRetrieves path of search template in current or parent template.
get_single_templateRetrieves path of single template in current or parent template. Applies to single Posts, single Attachments, and single custom post types.
get_singular_templateRetrieves the path of the singular template in current or parent template.
get_tag_templateRetrieves path of tag template in current or parent template.
get_taxonomy_templateRetrieves path of custom taxonomy term template in current or parent template.
load_templateRequires the template file with WordPress environment.
locate_templateRetrieves the name of the highest priority template file that exists.
wp_set_template_globalsSet up the globals used for template loading.