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user_trailingslashit › WordPress Function

user_trailingslashit ( $url, $type_of_url = '' )
Parametri: (2)
  • (string) $url URL with or without a trailing slash.
  • (string) $type_of_url Optional. The type of URL being considered (e.g. single, category, etc) for use in the filter. Default empty string.
    Richiesto: No
    Default: (vuoto)
  • (string) The URL with the trailing slash appended or stripped.
Definito a:

Retrieves a trailing-slashed string if the site is set for adding trailing slashes.

Conditionally adds a trailing slash if the permalink structure has a trailing slash, strips the trailing slash if not. The string is passed through the {@see 'user_trailingslashit'} filter. Will remove trailing slash from string, if site is not set to have them.


function user_trailingslashit( $url, $type_of_url = '' ) {
	global $wp_rewrite;
	if ( $wp_rewrite->use_trailing_slashes ) {
		$url = trailingslashit( $url );
	} else {
		$url = untrailingslashit( $url );

	 * Filters the trailing-slashed string, depending on whether the site is set to use trailing slashes.
	 * @since 2.2.0
	 * @param string $url         URL with or without a trailing slash.
	 * @param string $type_of_url The type of URL being considered. Accepts 'single', 'single_trackback',
	 *                            'single_feed', 'single_paged', 'commentpaged', 'paged', 'home', 'feed',
	 *                            'category', 'page', 'year', 'month', 'day', 'post_type_archive'.
	return apply_filters( 'user_trailingslashit', $url, $type_of_url );